This article was first published in "Going Mental" by Daniel McGowan
Perineum Muscles
To complete the circle, so to speak, from the pelvis to the head and back again, we can run a piece of string or elastic from the pubis to the sacrum. The upward pull of the rectus abdominus will stretch the pubis, which will react by contracting. This reaction is shown in the photo below, by the two arrowheads pointing towards each other.
The pubis, in turn, will pull on the muscles of the perineum region at the base of the pelvis. These muscles will react by contracting, as shown by the two arrowheads.
The perineum muscles will pull on the sacrum, and together with the upward pull from the erector spinae muscles, will tend to stretch it. The sacrum will react by contracting, as shown by the two arrowheads.
There is a complex system of muscles and ligaments in the perineum region, connecting the pubis to the sitting bones and to the coccyx. The effect of this system on the medial (central) plane is shown in the photo above.
This article was first published in Going Mental by Daniel McGowan. You can download the PDF of this book for free here: FREE DOWNLOAD